Diseño de:
Productos, todo tipo de Mobiliario (hogar, estación de trabajo, oficina, comercial), Iluminación, Displays, Packaging, Adhesivos, entre otros.
Diseño, Arquitectónico, Ambientación, Productos, Video.

d.i. jaime mancero

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Americas Design Competition: Draw Up A Chair for the Battery Park NYC


Diseño de mobiliario urbano seleccionado para el concurso internacional de diseño Draw Up A Chair para el Battery Park Conservancy en NYC. Etapa de pre selección de los 50 mejores proyectos de diseño para ser implementados en el Battery Park (2014) ubicado en Manhattan de un total de 679 proyectos de más de 10 países de América y más de 1500 diseñadores involucrados.

Levita (modular surface)

Levita is a 4 movable module system in which the modules can work individually or in groups. It’s basic concept is the connection between the person and the ground which in this case is the grass. The aim of Levita is to offer a multipurpose surface to the park's visitors and avoid the disconnection with the ground. Levita has been designed as a result of the observation of the people's activities and behavior at a park’s green. Its wavy forms comes from the mist concept which is a phenomenon like a levitating fog above the fields. Levita can be set and be used as a seat, easy chair, back supporting, a picnic table, laptop table, and so on. The controlled group of several modules generates an attractive visual texture of wavy forms.

The Levita system has wide possibilities of being manufactured and industrializad e.g.: Blocks of wood, bamboo or different types of boards: molded by CNC milling machine. Thus, this manufacturing method makes it possible to play with textures and colors obtaining aesthetic finishes and patterns; it could be fabricated with Corian by thermoforming, in layers (finishes shown in poster A); plastic: thru injection process, molded in wood by compressing matrices; coated with fibers and so on. This design allows choosing a wide range of manufacturing methods and materials depending on the needs or the budget. The basic proposal is a block of wood milled by CNC coated by an outdoor varnish with two stainless steel legs.
Levita is composed by 4 modules but just 2 basic forms that also are stackable, the forms are inverted and rotated. Levita's modules measure 31.5" width by 31.5" length, the shells are 2" thick in order to round the edges. The tallest module reaches 13.8" in height, the lowest module is 1.2" separated from the ground. Each module weighs about fifty pounds (depending on the material). The systems legs are made of Stainless Steel and are subjected to the shells with screwed plates; this grants strength, durability and firmness to the modules and also helps to keep the grass quality with no harm. (design property of the Battery Park conservancy)
